ROY G BIV is an exhibition by Craven Arts Council & Gallery showcasing the use of color. Each artist will receive a 12” x 12” cradled board and draw a random color. Each work will utilize hues, shades, tints and tones of that color as the primary palate for the work. Each panel in the Main Gallery at Bank of the Arts will be filled with works featuring that color, creating a rainbow that moves across the gallery. Colors selected for the exhibition will be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet (purple), white, and black. Works will be judged for a chance to win one of over twenty prizes, and artist
may sell their work on a 60/40 split in the artist’s favor.
Registration for ROY G BIV will be open for members on January 31st and nonmembers of Craven Arts on February 28th.
*Members who are in the ReNew exhibition can sign up for registration in-person on pick-up on January 31st and February 1st.
$25 for Members
$30 for NonMembers of CAC&G
Youth (18 or younger)
$10 for Members
$15 for NonMembers of CAC&G
may sell their work on a 60/40 split in the artist’s favor.
Registration for ROY G BIV will be open for members on January 31st and nonmembers of Craven Arts on February 28th.
*Members who are in the ReNew exhibition can sign up for registration in-person on pick-up on January 31st and February 1st.
$25 for Members
$30 for NonMembers of CAC&G
Youth (18 or younger)
$10 for Members
$15 for NonMembers of CAC&G
To sign up for a membership at Craven Arts Council & Gallery - please click here.
Best in Show
Best in Color (8 awards)
Honorable Mentions (8 awards)
Youth Achievement Awards (5) (must be 18 or younger)
3 Awards
1st Place: $50
2nd Place: $40
3rd Place: $30
Honorable Mentions(2)
$15 each
Best in Show
Best in Color (8 awards)
Honorable Mentions (8 awards)
Youth Achievement Awards (5) (must be 18 or younger)
3 Awards
1st Place: $50
2nd Place: $40
3rd Place: $30
Honorable Mentions(2)
$15 each
Important Dates:
Drop Off: 10am-5pm, May 2 & 3
Exhibition: May 9 - 29
ArtWalk Reception: May 9, 2025, 5 - 8 pm
Awards Announced at 6 pm
Pick Up: 10am-5pm, May 30 & May 31
Drop Off: 10am-5pm, May 2 & 3
Exhibition: May 9 - 29
ArtWalk Reception: May 9, 2025, 5 - 8 pm
Awards Announced at 6 pm
Pick Up: 10am-5pm, May 30 & May 31
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I include other colors?
Yes! However, the color you selected from a hat must be the dominant color.
Can I complete my piece on a watercolor paper, or use a photograph printed on paper?
Yes, so long as the paper is securely attached to the cradled board. We recommend using 3M Super 77 spray adhesive, but there are a variety of glues that would work. Please do not use double sided tape.
What materials can I use?
Anything you can attach securely to the board. Artists utilizing "temporary" materials are ask to ensure that the piece will not create a mess as it ages in the gallery.
Does my piece have to hang on the wall?
Yes. We also ask that the piece hang as a square (not a diamond) to allow for a consistent display of works in the exhibition. Unlike other exhibitions at Bank of the Arts, works in ROY G BIV do not require a wire for hanging.
Does my piece need to be framed?
No, but if you choose to frame your piece please ensure that the frame does not exceed the 1" overhang limitation on the edges.
Yes! However, the color you selected from a hat must be the dominant color.
Can I complete my piece on a watercolor paper, or use a photograph printed on paper?
Yes, so long as the paper is securely attached to the cradled board. We recommend using 3M Super 77 spray adhesive, but there are a variety of glues that would work. Please do not use double sided tape.
What materials can I use?
Anything you can attach securely to the board. Artists utilizing "temporary" materials are ask to ensure that the piece will not create a mess as it ages in the gallery.
Does my piece have to hang on the wall?
Yes. We also ask that the piece hang as a square (not a diamond) to allow for a consistent display of works in the exhibition. Unlike other exhibitions at Bank of the Arts, works in ROY G BIV do not require a wire for hanging.
Does my piece need to be framed?
No, but if you choose to frame your piece please ensure that the frame does not exceed the 1" overhang limitation on the edges.
ROY G BIV Supplementary Terms and Conditions
All artists should also read Craven Arts Council & Gallery's Exhibition Terms and Conditions at
1) All pieces will be completed on the provided 12”x12” cradled boards. Please do not exceed a 1” overhang on any side of the board, or project more than 4” from the face of the surface.
2) Each will draw 2 colors and select one (excepting the last 8 entries into the exhibition). If shipping the board CACG will contact the artist with the 2 colors they may chose from. This color shall be the predominate color of the work. Other colors may be used The artist may use any shade, hue, tint, or tone of the color to meet this requirement.
3) CAC&G will ship cradled boards to the artist upon their request. All shipping, including of the cradled board to the artist, shipping of the work to Bank of the Arts, and return shipping of artwork at the end of the exhibition shall be the responsibility of the artist.
4) One piece per artist. If there are remaining spots open CAC&G will contact artists about the opportunity to enter a second work.
5) All works will be received by CAC&G by 5pm, May 4th. If the artist is shipping their work they must ensure the piece will reach the Bank of Arts by this date, and include self addressed return postage in their package.
6)Sales: Sales prices are determined by the artist. The artists shall receive 60% of the sales price of the work within 60 days of the close of the exhibition. CAC&G shall handle all taxes and credit card fees from their portion of the sales.
All artists should also read Craven Arts Council & Gallery's Exhibition Terms and Conditions at
1) All pieces will be completed on the provided 12”x12” cradled boards. Please do not exceed a 1” overhang on any side of the board, or project more than 4” from the face of the surface.
2) Each will draw 2 colors and select one (excepting the last 8 entries into the exhibition). If shipping the board CACG will contact the artist with the 2 colors they may chose from. This color shall be the predominate color of the work. Other colors may be used The artist may use any shade, hue, tint, or tone of the color to meet this requirement.
3) CAC&G will ship cradled boards to the artist upon their request. All shipping, including of the cradled board to the artist, shipping of the work to Bank of the Arts, and return shipping of artwork at the end of the exhibition shall be the responsibility of the artist.
4) One piece per artist. If there are remaining spots open CAC&G will contact artists about the opportunity to enter a second work.
5) All works will be received by CAC&G by 5pm, May 4th. If the artist is shipping their work they must ensure the piece will reach the Bank of Arts by this date, and include self addressed return postage in their package.
6)Sales: Sales prices are determined by the artist. The artists shall receive 60% of the sales price of the work within 60 days of the close of the exhibition. CAC&G shall handle all taxes and credit card fees from their portion of the sales.
ROY G BIV 2024 Winners
Best in Show 2024
Daddy's Issues by Erin Kerns ($600)
photography, inkjet on vinyl, inkjet on caffenol processed film
photography, inkjet on vinyl, inkjet on caffenol processed film